Privacy & Policy

Last Updated : November 15 2020, 9:34:05 AM (IST)

We only collect data that is essential for us to complete the transactions, be it shipping of item, certificate, material or shipping of any other associated items.

We don't collect any data or information which can affect the user's privacy policy like his private photos, google+ photos, facebook photos and we also, don't store any kind of our data in the user's account. We in no way steal any of the user's personal information like card credentials including PIN, bank details, UPI ID, Debit card/ Credit card PIN or other details etc.

We never store any malicious data and neither do we support any form of false marketing techniques using cookies.

True Dreamster is strictly against forgery and frauds.

Why do we collect data from users?

True Dreamster makes sure to follow all privacy policies of the users, but there are certain information that are vital to complete the client's orders and transactions, and to even verify the authenticity of the orders we receive. Hence, to serve that purpose we collect the basic client credentials like Google users Unique ID, Facebook ID, E-mail ID, contact number and in a few cases profile picture.
We do collect and store our client's Facebook/Google unique user IDs in our system, their registered email IDs and photos for identification, but we never collect passwords and nor do we ever share the client's contact details with a third party.
In terms of shipping, we need to share the very basic user details with third party, be it Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm, Indian GOVT post services, Shiprocket and Razorpay, but we only share data like E-mail ID, contact numbers, and full address, to complete the customer's orders. We never share pictures and any sort of personal data with these parties, we only share those information which are given to us by our users to complete their transactions.
We use a few third party tools such as Mailgun and WP SMTP MAIL USERS, Dashboard, Hostinger servers, Cloudflare servers and Grapdevs private servers etc., to complete the user's mail requests, from receiving and sending mail to the users, to sending notifications to users.

How do we collect the data?

We collect or use data from the users only after they give us the persmission to. We collect users personal details using WordPress, Cron jobs at grapdevs[Our private server for backup and for Office use to increase user experience] servers and custom codes[Hosted our servers] and store them to in our SQL data servers under hostingers. We never share any data for marketing.

More In policies

  • Mailgun : To send mail and notifications to our users.
  • Razorpay : To complete bank transactions.
  • SMTP : To send mails.
  • Grapdevs Api : To keep a backup of data.
We at True Dreamster, do not perform any kind of false marketing practices, nor do we sell user's personal information to any third party. We strictly follow authentic marketing tactics and make sure that we safeguard our client's personal details.
Some books like adult reads may not be suitable for children under the age of 13. We respect the Children's Privacy Policy set by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and so, we do not collect or allow any users under the age of 13 to purchase or have access to such books.
We do not steal cookies or any bank details/ card credentials or store any form of illegal data on the user's machine. We only store user's cart items, session data and other data to enhance the web expreince of our users.
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